Friday, April 17, 2009

New Member Brunch

Jacob and I made it to the new member brunch in our stay-at-home parent group. A good time was had by all. We arrived slightly late due to missing a turn. But not too late. One other mom and the host were there with their girl and boy, respectively. Later, another mom showed up. We had a good time. The food was nice and the conversation fun.

Jacob had a good time running around and playing with the new-to-him toys. The boy had a pretty fancy box of toy tools. The power drill actually made a drilling noise and the flashlight really lit up when you threw the switch. A good assortment of other items made for fun times for the kids. At one point, I think Jacob was accidentally hit by a toy hammer, but he only cried for 30 seconds. He did not destroy anything this time. On the other hand, he had a juice box that he kept squeezing so juice would spray all over. Mostly all over himself.

Towards the end he became very cranky and clingy. I knew it was the end so we made our goodbyes. We took a slightly longer route home and he was asleep by the time we pulled into the garage. He slept well but the day became a two-nap day. In between naps, he played out in the back yard. I need to get him to play with balls more. So far, he'll just go get a ball I throw and walk it back to me or just bring me the ball when I ask him to throw it or kick it to me. I need to figure out how to teach ball skills to the child!

After his second nap, Aunt Maryellen and cousin Autumn were here for a visit. Jacob loves playing with Autumn and vice versa. Lots of laughter ensued. We went to a local pizza joint for dinner and to Rita's for dessert. The village center was fairly full of people since the temperature was in the 70's. Yay first taste of Spring! Yummier than custard! We begin and end this blog with food.

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