Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cry Room Chronicles XXIV

We missed a couple of weeks because of Christmas hecticness (including shopping, celebrating and travel). The new year, new resolution is to get back to the blogging!

Christmas morning was spent in Florida going to the lovely little St. Christopher's in Hobe Sound. I don't remember much of the homily other than the priest putting a twist on the old question "What do you give to the person who has everything?" He challenged us to think of what does the person who has everything give to others? He related this to God (who clearly is the only Person who really does have everything) giving His only Son to us so that we may be saved. So in giving, we should be like the Person who has everything, and try to give in His Spirit. Pretty good insight, I thought. I don't remember much of the other liturgies we went over the hiatus (other than Jacob having a poopy diaper and we having no diaper bag for the Christmas vigil service).

Today, we were back at St. Louis here in Maryland for the 8 a.m. Mass. The homily was eclipsed by Lucy's attempts to interact with the young boy in front of us in the Children's Chapel. And by the perpetual quest to get Jacob to whisper (he is improving quite a bit each week). They were pretty cute. The children didn't wander too much this week and Jacob was completely uninterested in the Sign of Peace. He shook my hand and that was it for him. Mommy and Lucy were in the potty at the time, so they missed out. It was funny, though, when Lucy walked out of the bathroom and said quite clearly, "Potty!" I was the only one who noticed. As we walked upstairs for communion, Jacob asked to go potty. Mommy took him. He was so excited with his success, he wanted to show me where he went potty. Luckily, he only led me to the door of the bathroom and not into the Ladies' Room!

We did get to see our friend Bryan (who ushers at the 8 a.m. Mass) and chat with him after Mass was over. We didn't go to the playground today due to cold and rainy weather. Looking forward to next week!

Belated Merry Christmas to all and less belated happy New Year!

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