Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cry Room Chronicles LIII

After a few harrowing nights of semi-sleep, we had some decent sleep last night and were able to have a more or less normal Sunday morning. We didn't make french toast since we have a bread shortage but breakfast was satisfying nonetheless. We tried to head off early to 9 a.m. Mass. Failure resulted from unsuccessfully convincing Jacob to use the potty for #2. He wound up using a diaper. The delay wasn't too bad. We still arrived at church with time for Jacob to visit the church potty before Mass started. The opening hymn began as we walked in.

The children were very quiet though also very squirmy. Jacob tried to sing along with some of the hymns. The songs were unfamiliar and their refrains weren't particularly easy or memorable. He did his best, which made us happy. Both Jacob and Lucy joined in for parts of the creed (we'll be using the new translation next week, way ahead of you Americans!!). I gave Jacob a pound coin for the collection. Lucy picked her own coin from my hand. Then she picked the five pound note from my hand and gave her five pence piece to me! Not a fair trade but it all went to the church anyway. They had their typical level of participation with the Our Father and Sign of Peace. We didn't have to take any breaks from church this week which was highly satisfying for both Angie and me.

After Mass, the kids lit candles. Jacob prayed for Mommy and Lucy prayed for candles. She still hasn't quite got the concept down. Hopefully soon she will.

Today's gospel was the follow on from last week's. Jesus tells the apostles how He will suffer and die. Peter says, "God forbid!" and gets rebuked by Jesus. Jesus then explains how we all need to take up our crosses and follow Him. Father said that many a pastor would take the final line, "[God] will reward each one according to his behavior," as an opening to pound on the pulpit and promise perdition if parishioners didn't repent. Father took the more gentle approach of reminding us to embrace our own crosses, which are fitted for us and the times of our lives. I didn't get much more from the sermon because I was trying to keep squirmy children from distracting the rest of the congregation. It was a good Sunday for us and we look forward to many others.

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