Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cry Room Chronicles XXXIV

Thanks to a bunch of early morning risers, we were able to make it to 8 a.m. Mass at St. Louis without too much delay. We walked in just as the service was starting!

Jacob wanted to make a beeline for the bathroom. He's still enamored of urinals, which he first discovered at church. So I took him to the upstairs bathroom and he did his thing. Then we headed down to the children's chapel. Granny, Mommy, and Lucy were already settled in. When Lucy saw Jacob come in, she declared, "I'm poopy" (i.e. she decided she needed a diaper change). Checking her diaper revealed no poop but I changed her anyway. Thus all the kids were happy.

We had the chapel to ourselves for the whole Mass. The kids were pretty well behaved, too. Lucy started handing me different copies of MagnifiKid, a small magazine to help children worship at Mass on Sunday. Jacob read a bunch of books and was generally unproblematic, until communion time. Then he wanted Mommy to take him to the downstairs bathroom. A minor finger injury caused by the bathroom door delayed them almost too long to receive communion. Jacob was the injured party and wanted to be carried. By the time they made it to the church proper, they had to rush down the aisle to catch the attention of the ministers who thought they were done. It was a close call.

After Mass, we went to the playground for a little while where we saw Timmy with his parents Luke and Kim. We got to catch up with them (we hadn't seen them for quite a while) and then headed home for more delicious pecan rolls (freshly made by Mommy that morning).

The gospel was Matthew's account of the Transfiguration, which led to a presumably good homily by Father. Unfortunately, Lucy was in the middle of magazine distribution then, so I only remember one part. He quoted a line from The Agony and the Ecstasy: "After the ecstasy, then the laundry." Having transcendent experiences are not the end of the spiritual life here on earth. Surely such moments are a consolation and strengthening of faith. But they are also a fortification for future action. We are called to bring the sense of wonder and worship to our daily tasks, like doing laundry. I pray that we accept the grace to keep that Spirit always.

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